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superjokermegawaysslot| National Energy Administration: Expand the development of green certificate trading platform in a timely manner

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[national Energy Administration issues draft green card trading rules for soliciting opinions.SuperjokermegawaysslotThe comprehensive department of the National Energy Administration recently issued a notice to solicit public opinion on the rules for the issuance and Trading of Renewable Energy Green electricity certificates (draft for soliciting comments), officials announced. Under the proposed rules, green card trading will be conducted on a platform that meets national security standards and is currently implemented by Beijing, Guangzhou Electric Power Trading Center and Inner Mongolia Electric Power Trading Center. It is worth noting that the notice makes it clear that the green card trading platform will be expanded in due course according to the needs of the country. This decision not only reflects the government's attention to the development of renewable energy, but also shows the policy's flexible response to market dynamics. Industry experts pointed out that the expansion of green card trading will have an important impact on investors in the secondary market. With the improvement and expansion of the trading platform, investors will have more opportunities to participate in the green power market and further promote the development of renewable energy industry. At the same time, it will also provide a new investment channel for investors and increase the liquidity of the market. Overall, the notice from the National Energy Administration shows the government's support and promotion of the green electricity market, which will have a positive impact on investors and the renewable energy industry as a whole. Investors should pay close attention to the dynamics of the green card trading platform and seize market opportunities.

superjokermegawaysslot| National Energy Administration: Expand the development of green certificate trading platform in a timely manner



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