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superslotscasino| The military industry sector is ushering in a heavy catalyst! These companies welcome the hype

First of all, there is great good news in the village. according to the regulations on the Management of Public offering Fund fees, the commission rates for stock transactions of public offering funds will be adjusted, and the upper limit of the proportion of transaction commissions will also be lowered. This will save investors about 20 billion yuan in annual costs, and the annual commission will be reduced by 38 percent. In addition, the regulations also require fund managers and securities companies to strengthen internal management systems to better protect the interests of investors.

Second, banking, insurance, securities and other financial sectors performed brightly this week, while escalating tensions in the Middle East led to a surge in gold and crude oil prices, stimulating a sharp rise in the A-share oil sector. However, the hotel catering, retail, scenic spots tourism and other major consumer industries in the top adjustment, there has been a slight decline.

superslotscasino| The military industry sector is ushering in a heavy catalyst! These companies welcome the hype

In terms of bank stocks, shares such as Ping an Bank (000001), China Merchants Bank and Agricultural Bank of China (601288) have become popular on the main buying list. The new "Nine articles" policy has reshaped the valuation system of A-shares. With the advance of the era of market capitalization management of central enterprises, more and more companies begin to achieve stable dividends, and the future structural bull market may be dominated by the stocks of central enterprises with high dividend rate.

In the AI industry, shares of u.s. listed company ultramicro fell more than 20% this week, while Nvidia shares fell 10%, wiping out more than $210 billion in market capitalization. Ultramicro, the core server supplier of Nvidia, did not issue a preliminary revenue report as usual, raising fears of the bursting of the AI bubble and causing the AI sector of US stocks to suffer a sharp fall. This pressure is expected to spread to the A-share market, creating a share price crackdown on companies that provide business for large overseas AI companies.

Finally, the military industry plate ushered in heavy catalysis. China's information support unit has been officially established, which is a brand-new service created according to the needs of the current era, and constitutes a new strength pattern of the Chinese army. The Information support Force, the military Space Force, the Cyberspace Force and the Joint Logistics support Force are jointly known as the "four small arms", which are mainly related to radar, satellite, drones, communications equipment and other industries. The most direct beneficiaries of the establishment of the information support force are the two central enterprise groups, such as the China Electronic Technology Group and the China Electronic Information Industry Group, which have mass listed companies and have enough room for speculation.

Plate name oil industry, consumer electronics keyword fee reduction, public offering funds, transaction commission bullish (neutral) commission reduction policy can reduce investors' transaction costs and improve investors' rate of return. At the same time, the internal management system of fund managers and securities companies is stipulated to protect the interests of investors. Sleepless tonight, please be careful in the short term! Risk Tip of Hexun self-selected WriterSuperslotscasinoThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.



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